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Brochures as PDF files

Our brochures contain texts and photos providing a visual description of HUMANTECHNIK products, how they are used, their properties and benefits. This will provide you with detailed resources for your advertising, as well as for qualified advice and sales.

Our printed brochures are available in small volumes free of charge (up to 10 per stockist). We may apply a nominal charge for larger volumes.

We will be delighted to provide you with individual information about further advertising and decoration materials which will aid you in your sales activities.

Just give us a call on: +49 (0) 76 21 / 9 56 89 - 0, or send us an email: 

You might need the Acrobat Reader to view the brochures.


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The contents of your notice list can be edited and finally sent to Humantechnik directly from your business customer account.


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